Jenny Ji Hyun Kim
Precision Health
[2023 – present]
Stanford University School of Medicine
Principal Investigator: Michael Snyder, PhD
We are currently recruiting participants for this study here!
The purpose of this study is to explore the positive, holistic health outcomes resulting from regular exposure to naturally occurring compounds derived from plants. We hope to learn how the human body is influenced by regular exposure to these compounds predicted to have health benefits.
Considerable research has been conducted on the effects of environmental exposure on human diseases. This is also known as “exposome” research. However, there is limited research on the impact of beneficial exposomes found in the natural environment. We would like to identify and measure the benefits of these naturally occurring compounds on holistic human health.
Through blood specimens, we will observe biomarkers such as cortisol levels and inflammatory markers. Data will be collected from wearable sensors to observe the effects of beneficial exposomes on areas such as cardiovascular health and sleep quality. There will be surveys to understand well-being, stress, and mood. Through such observations, this study aims to understand the positive impacts of intentional exposure to selected compounds found in nature.
I am leading the human subject study aspect of this study; this involved study design and IRB protocol development. I have designed and collected data from a few volunteers (pre-pilot) in order to validate the study design and establish a data processing pipeline. Once the protocol is approved, I will take responsibility for recruiting and obtaining consent from participants, and I will serve as the primary correspondent for the study. I will also be responsible for analysis of wearables and multi-omics data.
Raised in a South Korean family, traditional medicine was a regular part of our lives, especially when someone fell ill. On the weekends in Seoul, I often frequented the mountains. Being in nature always provided me with clarity, serenity and vigor. After moving to Toronto, contact with nature was rare and I opted to drive 7 hours to the Adirondack mountains to ground myself and prepare for the week ahead. When Mike introduced me to this project, I was excited about the opportunity to scientifically explore and articulate the benefits of nature that I had always instinctively felt.
Made in Palo Alto with lots of Sunshine and Coffee